2014年2月6日 星期四

Teach Like Your Hair's on Fire

Room 56 is a world where character matters, hard work is respected, humility is valued, and support for one another is unconditional.
Replace fear with Trust.
1.answer all questions: our positive and patient response to Qs builds an immediate and lasting trust that transcends fear
2.being constantly dependable is the best way to build up trust:our action truly do speak louder than our words
Discipline must be Logical.
1.children do not mind a tough teacher, but they despise an unfair one
2. I strive to make our activities so exciting that the worst punishment for misbehavior is to be banned from the activity during which the misbehavior occurred
You are a Role Model.
1.Children model themselves after you, and you have to be the person you want them to be.
2.If you become angry over little things, the big issues are never even addressed.
By creating a firm but friendly refuge, the kids have the opportunity to grow into confident, happy human beings.
If we ask great things of our children, we must show them we believe great things are possible.
Make every effort to remove fear from your classroom. Be fair. Be reasonable.
Lawrence Kohlberg's Six Level of Moral Development.
Level I. I don't want to get into trouble
Level II. I want a reward:proper behavior,is expected,not rewarded, the knowledge is supposed to be the prize
Level III. I want to please somebody
Level IV. I follow the rules
Level V. I am considerate of other people:kindness really is contagious, you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb inside his skin and walk around it.
Level VI. I have a personal code of behavior and I follow it
The Method
The reading objectives should put joy, passion, or excitement top the list.
Reading is not a subject, but a foundation of life, an activity that people who are engaged with the world do all the time.
Children-even very bright ones-need guidance. Ian not smarter than my students.But I know more than they do because I am older than them.
A good teacher always stop the CD(audio book) at intervals, either to make sure the kids understand a point  or to lead a discussion on a crucial issue.
Share books you love and continue to enjoy. (Newbery Award)
Give background on certain issue in the book or explain unfamiliar abbreviations and words.
Start a book club during your lunch hour or after school.
When one considers the stakes, no price is too high.
For students who cannot read,
1. Constantly explain material
2. Prepare in advance particularly simple passage
3. Have individual kids read books associated with their particular reading levels
Assessments: www.learninglinks.com
Each morning begins with a grammar exercise.
Reasons to work hard:
1. appreciate learning to write their new language correctly
2. Avoid having to take work home (teach the skill for 5mins, check to make sure the kids understand it, 23mins left to finish assignment)
3. Dreaded Rewrites: 90% or better on grammar assignments or do them again. The next morning, as the students work on their new grammar assignments, graders come around and pick up the previous day's work. At recess, the graders correct the papers and prepare a list of Dreaded Rewrites
Essay of the Week
one page long with proper grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and organization ( assign on Friday, collect on Monday)
*choose a few of their essays and type them up exactly as I received them ( remove name)
  as peer evaluation
The Monthly Book Report
Each S choose a book at the beginning of the month ( Newbery award..)
*demonstration of the book report
* the protagonist, antagonist, conflict, setting, plot, climax, denouemnet, theme

